Meet our Team: Erika Edmiston


Name: Erika Edmiston
Job Title: District Supervisor

Where were you born/raised and what brought you to Teton County?

I was born and raised in Sheridan, Wyoming. I grew up fishing, hunting, camping, backpacking, water skiing and enjoying all of the outdoor activities available to us. I came to Teton County to work as a seasonal crew member for Teton County Weed and Pest while still in college.  It was the best job I had ever had. I loved working outside every day and feeling like I was making a positive difference. That first summer’s experience is what lured me back. Twenty years later, I’m still here, raising a family with the love of my life and still enjoying everything the outdoors has to offer.

What has been the most unexpected/difficult part of your job and why?

Personnel management is by far the most difficult thing and was never something I expected would be in my wheelhouse. However, when I became supervisor that became a very large part of the job. 

The good news is that overwhelmingly, I’ve gotten to work with some really talented, passionate people, who love what they do, and those positive experiences eclipse the small handful of difficult ones. 

What has been the most rewarding part of your job or a favorite project you've been a part of and why? 

Working with some fabulous, smart, kind and talented people has been by far the most rewarding part of the job, but a close second is knowing that we are making a difference.

Our team is protecting Teton County from invasive species and preserving it for future generations and knowing that we have the ability to leave it better than we found it, is an incredible feeling. 

If you could rid Teton County of one invasive weed or pest, which would it be and why?

Oxeye daisy. I love daisies and that’s why I dislike this one so much.  It masquerades as your normal every day “daisy” but it has wreaked havoc on our wildlife habitat, open spaces, livestock pastures, and hay fields. It’s gained that foothold because it is so aggressive, but also because it’s so beautiful. It has been intentionally and unintentionally planted and spread, but we are working hard to reach out and work with landowners to recognize it for what it is! 

If you could influence every adult in Teton County to practice "PlayCleanGo", which habit would you most advocate for and why?

Keeping your gear & equipment clean.  It makes the most sense. Not only because it helps reduce the spread of invasives species, but because it will help maintain your gear so it lasts longer.  Win-Win!

What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? 

Spending time with my family, traveling, running and being outdoors.