Tetons 2020 - Mosaic
2018's Mosaic - The State of the Tetons Ecosystem
[two_third padding="0 10px 0 0px"]Mosaic, a creation from The Charture Institute, came out of last year's Tetons 2020 effort, with the final piece featuring 16 essays diving into various aspects of the health of the Teton County region's ecosystem."The concept behind Mosaic is to begin assembling pieces of information we already have into a clearer understanding of our ecosystem. With luck, it will also help catalyze further pursuit of the Jackson/Teton County Comp Plan's vision: Preserve and protect the area's ecosystem in order to ensure a healthy environment, community, and economy for current and future generations." - Jonathan SchechterThe Charture Institute, based out of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, is a think tank focused on growth, change, and sustainability in Places of Ecological and Aesthetic Significance.[/two_third][one_third_last padding="0 0px 0 10px"]
[/one_third_last]Teton County Weed & Pest District's Perspectives on Invasive Species, written by our own Mark Daluge & Erika Edmiston, featured in this year's Mosaic highlights the health and maintenance needed to protect the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem from active and potential invasive species (read the complete article here)
- Invasive species hold the potential to create great environmental and human health issues, and are costly to address.
- Human behavior is the major factor affecting the introduction and spread of invasive species.
- Despite active prevention and treatment efforts, over 24,000 acres in Teton County, Wyoming -- roughly one percent of its land -- are affected by invasive species.
- Practice the outdoor ethic of PlayCleanGo – Stop invasive species in your tracks!
- Create invasive species management plans for all development over ¼ of an acre, as required by the Teton County LDRs
- Pay attention to plants that look out of place and report them. Curiosity is our friend!
- Do your part! Every landowner in Wyoming is required by State Statute to treat noxious weeds on their land.