Remember to Prepare Your Recreation Gear For Winter Storage
November ushers in a change of the seasons and limits the amount of outdoor recreation we can participate in. Summer days are long gone and the ski resorts are not quite open. In this waiting season, you can still support the effort to prevent the spread of invasive species!
Did you know properly cleaning and storing your summer recreation equipment for winter storage will have a lasting effect long-term? Houndstongue seeds alone can be viable for two to three years! Preventative care now can reduce the spread of any dormant seeds, like houndstongue, and other invasive species from being introduced to Teton County trails and waterways in the future.
What You Can Do
1. Take one hour to look over all your recreation equipment and take inventory of what needs to be cleaned.
2. Grab a hard boot brush to remove debris from the outdoor hiking shoes in your house, bicycle tires, chariot wheels, and all other gear.
3. Spray shoe soles, tires, boats, kayaks, storage equipment, and outdoor coats with hot water.
4. Wipe all gear down with a clean towel to kill any invasive species that may have hitched a ride on a past adventure and ensure that no standing water or invasive larvae remain in hidden places.
Play Clean Go Reminders
Whether it is spring, summer, fall, or winter; invasive species can spread. Here are a few Play Clean Go reminders when recreating outdoors this month:
- Be sure to stay on marked trails and remove mud, leaves, and other debris using a boot brush.
- Through rain and snow, outdoor gear may become host to invasive species. Carefully clean and wipe down any gear or equipment that is wet. Wait a minimum of five days to ensure everything is dry and free of invasive microorganisms.
- It’s easy for invasive plants and seeds to get stuck on furry friends. Be sure to check your dogs thoroughly after a hike, hunting trip, winter walk, or other outdoor excursion.

Constant vigilance, education, spreading the word, and eradicating invasive species is our goal at Teton County Weed & Pest. Help us to remind the public that keeping the threat of invasives top of mind will help us accomplish our long-term goal of eradicating these threats to the environment. Using foresight and preventative measures now will pay off drastically in the future with a reduced footprint on the landscapes and recreation areas we all love in Jackson Hole and Teton County. Thank you for taking the time to properly clean, prepare, and store all of your recreation gear for next season!
-The Teton County Weed & Pest Team