Spring Is Here! When Can You Start Treating Weeds?
Summer is here and with the arrival of warm temps and sunshine come the season of noxious weed growth. Noxious weeds are invasive plants that has been introduced into an environment and causes or is likely to cause environmental or economic harm. TCWP works hard year-round to combat invasive species throughout the county but with the help of local landowners, the effect of the combined effort is much greater.Unfortunately, many noxious weeds can be very pretty, but their effects on our environment are not (learn more about noxious weeds here).
When to start treating noxious weeds:
- Weeds can be treated as soon as they begin to sprout in the spring.
- Waiting until mid-June to start treating will save time and effort by making sure that weeds on your property have started growing before spraying and allow treatment before flowering.
- Some species, like Dame’s Rocket and Whitetop, flower early and should be treated by mid-June.
- Cheatgrass treatments: in the spring with Roundup or in the fall with pre-emergent herbicides.
- Remember to follow-up June treatments with at least one more treatment in early August to catch any plants that may have come up after the first round of treatment.
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