Meet the Team

Meet the Team: Sheccid Gonzalez
Meet Sheccid—our National Forest Crew Lead who hails from southern California! She came to TCWP in 2022 and immediately fit right in with her previous experience in natural resource management.

Meet the Team: Ben Walters
We are thrilled to have young and passionate college students work here at TCWP! Ben Walters is studying Ecology at Purdue and will graduate in May after he leaves TCWP for the season to head back to school. Keep reading to get to know a little bit about what his dream job is, his hobbies here in Jackson, and the unique attributes he brings to the team.

New to the Crew - Meet Marge!
We think it was fate that brought Marge Lingenfelter to TCWP! No joke. She stopped in town at the beginning of a road trip in March which was when Marge’s friend told her about an entomologist she knew from the local rugby team.

Meet the Team: Sarah Brau
Sarah, one of our highway crew leads is back for her second season with us! While working in environmental restoration in Illinois, she heard about the opportunity to work in Wyoming.

Meet our Team, Jeremy Heyner
Jeremy initially moved to Jackson in 2016 for the winter season. He fell in love with Jackson and has been here ever since! (sound familiar?) Jeremy hates Oxeye Daisy, loves hanging out with his animals at home, brings a good sense of humor to the team, and cares about the beautiful place he now calls home. We’re glad you’re here, Jeremy!

Meet our Team: Lesley Beckworth, Landowner Program Coordinator
Meet Lesley Beckworth, our Landowner Program Coordinator at TCWP! Learn about her passion for building relationships with landowners and educating the public about invasive species management in Teton County.

Meet Our Team: Kelsey Mitchell, Biologist
Meet Kelsey Mitchell, our biologist at TCWP! Learn how her passion for science is driving her to expand our lab capabilities and solve real-world problems in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

Meet our Team: Mark Daluge (2022)
Meet our Assistant Supervisor, Mark Daluge. He’s been with TCWP for 12 years and transformed many parts of our programs. After trekking up and down East Gros Ventre Butte ten years ago to treat cheatgrass via backpack sprayer, he vowed never to treat cheatgrass that way again.

Mikenna just finished her second master’s degree
Mikenna completed her second master’s degree this summer while juggling many tasks at TCWP. Her role as entomologist is vital to our west nile virus detection services for the county. You can find her behind a computer, looking through a microscope in the lab, or out surveying in the field. Want to get to know how Mikenna does it all? Read further for a Q&A with our favorite entomologist.