
Tick Bite Prevention Week
TCWP urges residents and visitors to take steps to avoid tick bites and tick-borne diseases in recognition of Tick Bite Prevention Week.
Hiking in the Tetons - Reduce the Spread of Invasive Species
Bluebird skies, cooler weather, and quieter trails bring the much anticipated fall hiking season in the Tetons. Hiking in the fall in the Grand Tetons is the breath of fresh air all of the locals have been waiting for after another frenzy of tourist season. Do you know how to protect the environment around you from invasives as you go out hiking this season?

Meet the Team: Ben Walters
We are thrilled to have young and passionate college students work here at TCWP! Ben Walters is studying Ecology at Purdue and will graduate in May after he leaves TCWP for the season to head back to school. Keep reading to get to know a little bit about what his dream job is, his hobbies here in Jackson, and the unique attributes he brings to the team.

Weed of the Month: Saltcedar
Saltcedar, an invasive and adaptable shrub, has been known to take over Western riverbanks, threatening native ecosystems with its aggressive growth and water-depleting nature. Its wispy appearance and deep pink flowers may charm, but the havoc it wreaks on wildlife biodiversity demands urgent attention and control.

Weed of the Month: Eurasian Watermilfoil
Eurasian Watermilfoil is an aquatic invasive plant that’s considered a priority one species in Teton county. This means that there is no known infestation and it is a considerable concern of ours. It spreads locally by rhizomes, stem fragments, and seeds, and can be spread to other bodies of water as vegetative material attached to watercraft and equipment.

New to the Crew - Meet Marge!
We think it was fate that brought Marge Lingenfelter to TCWP! No joke. She stopped in town at the beginning of a road trip in March which was when Marge’s friend told her about an entomologist she knew from the local rugby team.

Meet the Team: Sarah Brau
Sarah, one of our highway crew leads is back for her second season with us! While working in environmental restoration in Illinois, she heard about the opportunity to work in Wyoming.

Volunteers Join The Fight Against Invasive Species This June
We are busy bees this year! From mosquito surveillance to drone projects to collaborative environmental programs—it’s a little crazy and we love it.

Meet our Team, Jeremy Heyner
Jeremy initially moved to Jackson in 2016 for the winter season. He fell in love with Jackson and has been here ever since! (sound familiar?) Jeremy hates Oxeye Daisy, loves hanging out with his animals at home, brings a good sense of humor to the team, and cares about the beautiful place he now calls home. We’re glad you’re here, Jeremy!